Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts

Make Adsense Apply you.......

Make Adsense Apply you.......

* Hello world
* this is Oby_One again with trick to get you approved by Google Adsense, mostly people make a website or blog and then they apply on google, but today I gonna show you, how google apply you, yes that's right google apply you for join in their programm publisher

here is what you need to know:
first of all the thing is you MUST have a website, that would be Blog, wordpress, domain or whatever as long as internet can access, and then write anything you like, anything just full fill your website. The next thing is promote your blog to search engine, blog directories, link exchange, or feedburner to increase your Pagerank, traffic and subscriber, but dont forget to place a little bit of ads, remember NOT Google ads, anything but not google ads, got me....

and now, this is the main point, make your blog or website running at least for 3-4 month, on my case I have run my blog for about 9 month :D [what a long journey, but look the effect]. and here is 2 screen preview if google want you to join in they program

as you can see above, there is a difference between 2 picture, when you got you blog with word that show in pic 1. now you can apply to join google, I can guarantee that you will get your pub id google adsense. No doubt. on my case [again....???? please..] I have apply on google 3 times, the 4th was successfull after I got word just like on picture 1.that's it for today from my experiance apply on google, I hope you will get your Adsense Account, leave a comment if you have any question

Move your Blog to Registered Domain

One thing I always
was hesitant about when I started blogging was having the ""
in my blog address. Doesn't or sound a little better than or Plus, if you were in someone else's shoes,
which would you rather click on?

One of my goals since starting to blog has been to move my blogspot to a register domain, then I found that Blogger has a simple way to move to a domain. It costs a total of $10 for a year and it took me 5 minutes. Here is what I did: [but I haven't tried until now…. : ]
1. Logged into my Dashboard.
2. Clicked on Settings
3. Clicked on the Publishing Tab
4. Click on the "Custom Domain" link

5. Typed in a domain name you wanted. e.g: Then click Check Availability.

6. If that domain name is available, you can proceed to use Google Checkout and purchase your domain for $10. This will give you a 1 year registration. Google uses to register your domain with, but you can still manage your site from your regular Blogspot dashboard.

7. Once you completed the transaction, Google sent you an e-mail telling the following:

" Your domain with GoDaddy will expire on [Month, Date, Year] " They automatically configured your blog to work with Google Apps services.
" Gave you a link for your registered domain, in this case
" Gave you a link to setup an administrative account for your domain with Google Apps.
" Once you complete admin account, you will got access to the Google Apps control panel. This is where you can view, edit any settings. It also tells you that your services will be activated shortly.


This message you will get when you publish a post or edit is below. It still allows you to accomplish both tasks, change the layout, etc:

Your blog is in transition Your blog's new address is Since it takes time for this new address to be available all over the Internet, you can still get to it at new address should work for everyone after at most 3 days. At that time we will redirect your readers from your old address to the new one.

What do you do now?
There are a few things that you will need to do after getting your blog's address moved over from Blogspot to your own domain. Your list of things may vary, depending on what you all have on your site.
- Let everyone know about your new address, and tell them to update their links.
- If you have trackers installed, update the addresses they're tracking to include the new address for your blog
- You will need to reclaim your new blog on Technorati. If you no longer want your old address to be listed in their listings, you can send them a note requesting that the old one be marked as irrelevant.
- If you're a part of social networking sites like Bumpzee or Mybloglog, change the address of your blog there; on Bumpzee, that means that your blog will be placed back in the moderation queue for any communities you're a part of.
- Update the links within your site to reflect your new domain. While all of those links will still work, it's a good idea to change over the address in case you decide to move your blog in the future.
- This is just a tip, and not necessary - if you haven't already done so, integrate your Blogger feed with FeedBurner, and encourage people to sign up using the FeedBurner link directly.

And here is another way for register your blog

you can used for buy your new domain, but it took a long way along with their tools and had trouble getting used to the interface. So maybe can waste too much time. Here is the tutorial

My Template..

My Template [DOWNLOAD]
There is a lot on the web that website offer free download template that you can use for your theme, which is for google adsense, wordpress theme, blogspot. Many kind of color, background picture, number of column and more features.

maybe basicly before you edit your own template you have to know a little about html, so you can edit and make your own design, just for example this is preview of my template

For my advice, before you edit your own template, you should save it on your hard disk for our back up if there is something wrong when you edit your template. There is much tutorial you can find on other blog or wordpress just searching for it.....

If you interest of my design template you can download here [leave comment if you interest, or message on shout box, I'm not uploaded yet]

Leave a comment if you have trouble to apply my theme on your blog[ ONLY]

P.S: my blog template is all ready include read more……., bookmark to a lot search engine like:, Yahoo, google, Esnips, etc, emotion character include :)

How to post using Microsoft Office 2008

kali ini saya akan mencoba menerangkan bagaimana cara memposting dengan menggunakan Microsoft Word 2007, jadi dengan kata lain dapat mengurangi lamanya akses ke internet dimana harus buka websitenya dulu, login, dan belum lagi lambatnya koneksi disamping harus memposting ke beberapa blog, dalam kasus ini kita akan membahas pada Blogspot dan Wordpress yang dapat digunakan sekaligus.

here is step by step:
1. pertama buka Microsoft Word 2007. New file > new post>
jika belum ada account yang ter-save maka aka ada tampilan login yang harus anda isikan sesuai dengan tempat postingan anda, apakah blogger atau wordpress, jadi sesuaikan saja.ini dia screen shoot-nya:

2.selanjutnya setelah proses login selesai maka, akan ada Blank dokumen tempat ada menuliskan postingan anda. Saran saya sebaiknya anda sesuaikan dahulu line space-ing nya sehingga saat anda akan memposting maka jarak tulisan anda tidak terlalu lebar [ anda akan mengerti setelah melakukan posting dari MSword 2007 jika tidak mengatur line space dan dengan MENGATUR line spacing :) ]

3. untuk yang memiliki banyak blog, maka memposting dengan Microsoft Word 2007 sangat membantu karena tidak harus sign in dan sign out untuk masuk ke dalam account yang berbeda, tinggal pilih saja dari MS word 2007 blog mana yang ingin anda update. Mudah kan..... :)

setelah melakukan posting kita tinggal meng-close MS Word 2007 dan untuk postingan selanjutnya kita tinggal membuka new file>new blog post tanpa ada permintaan password lagi.

sekian dulu tutorial ini, mungkin ada yang kurang jelas dapat ninggalin comment.Have a nice day

redirect your visitors to the new web location

So you changed your URL and wondering how to automatically redirect your visitors to the new location. Simply put the following HTML tag in-between and tags:

For example:

How to Post Source Code?!

It will be cool right if we can add the source code of any programming language in this blog… Do you know how to do it?!! Ok.. Actually this trick is given by wordpress perhaps some of us not realize this thing…

[sourcecode language=’php’]
$link=mysql_connect($host, $username, $password) or die(”Database is not connected!”);
$selectdb = mysql_select_db($databasename, $link)or die(”Database is not selected!”);

Wrap your code in these tags: [sourcecode language=’css’]…[/sourcecode]. You can replace the language with “css” with the language that you’re writing in. Currently we support syntax highlighting for the following language codes:

* cpp
* csharp
* css
* delphi
* java
* jscript
* php
* python
* ruby
* sql
* vb
* xml

The language attribute is required! If we don’t have what you need pick the closest.
Code in between the [sourcecode] tags will automatically be encoded for display, you don’t need to worry about HTML entities or anything.

Creating a Site Map for your web site

The simplest way to create a site map is to use the HTML Unordered Lists tag
    . The tag can be employed to create simple one-level lists and also display the hierarchical structure of your web site by nesting lists if your site s more complex.

    The Unordered Lists tag
      supports a neat attribute called Type with which you can specify the type of bullet you want for the list - disc, circle or square.

      Let us look at an example:

      * Electronics

      o DVD Players

      o V.C.R.s

      o Computers

      + Desktops

      + Laptops

      + Palmtops

      o Portable MP3 players

      o T.V.s

      * Automobiles

      o Cars

      o Buses

      o Motorcycles

      o Scooters

      * Furniture

      o Beds

      o Tables

      o Chairs

      The HTML code for the above is:

      Note how the hierarchical structure is displayed using nested Unordered Lists
        tag. We have also used the TYPE attribute and specified the kind of bullet we want for each list.

Let your visitors choose colors for your pages

Maybe you enjoy using bright pink backgrounds for your web pages. Are you sure your visitors can appreciate it? Why not let them choose the background color, or any other document color, for your pages?

The basic idea here is to use JavaScript to change the background color using the following command ("#FFFFFF" being the hex representation of the color we want):

If you like the idea, you can have what you see in the above example simply by inserting the following tags in to your page:

To change the color of the text instead, replace bgColor with fgColor. Using linkColor will make the above script change the color of the links and vlinkColor will change the color of the visited links.

You can find the hex representation of all web safe colors in this

Redirecting your visitors to the preferred form of your URL using JavaScript

Do you have multiple entrances to your site and looking for a client-side solution that can redirect your visitors to the preferred entrance?

For example, you may have multiple domain names pointing to the same site --, and Although you want to keep all of your domains either because you want to reserve those names, because your marketing department convinced you that having multiple names pointing to the same site will attract more visitors or some other reason, you may prefer that the visitors end up at the same domain. You may want to redirect visitors from and to for example.

Following is a client-side solution to redirecting visitors to your preferred domain. Simply copy and paste it on to your home page just below the tag.

Above code will check if is a part of the current URL. If not, it will automatically redirect the visitor to One of the advantages is that this code will work even if you have a single version of your home page that has multiple domain names pointing to it.

Of course you can modify the same code to redirect to a specific page URL as well.

NOTE: Be sure to use only the required portion of your URL and to enter it in lowercase inside the function "indexOf()". If your complete URL is, but you can get to the same page using just, use the latter version of the URL. On the other hand, use the full URL for location.href.

The following code will redirect visitors to only if is not a part of the URL they typed:

If you run your own web server, have unique IP addresses for your multiple domains or your web space provider is able to redirect visitors otherwise, you maybe able to implement a server-side solution to redirect visitors instead.

Adding page breaks to your web pages

Almost all printable document types can handle author specified page breaks. Wondering how to add page breaks to your web pages?

Starting with the release of Cascading Style Sheets 2 specification, you can finally suggest to browsers when to break pages when printing your web pages. The bad news is that only Explorer 4.x support this feature at this time. On the other hand, adding page break tags to web pages will not cause any ill effects on other browsers.

To suggest a page break, add &ltP style="page-break-before: always"> before the beginning of a new printed page. For example, if you place the following tags on a HTML page and print it using a compatible browser, you will end-up with three pages with the sample text.

Add Social Bookmarking link after each blog post

Now a days traffic to the Blog is very important thing from where ever you are taking that .
Social Bookmarks are one of the best source of the traffic to your blog.
But many of us doesnt know How to add Social Bookmarking to our blog

Now here is the trick or say hack to "Add Social Bookmarking link after each blog post"

1.log in to your Blogger account (This is Most IMP step ;) )
2.Then Go to Blogger Template>Edit Html
3.Make sure that you are using Blogger Beta template
4.Backup your template Code
5.Then see for


and replace it with


Now search the following code


Copyright © 2011 Blogger with Love | Themes by Edit-me.