* Hello world
* this is Oby_One again with trick to get you approved by Google Adsense, mostly people make a website or blog and then they apply on google, but today I gonna show you, how google apply you, yes that's right google apply you for join in their programm publisher
here is what you need to know:
first of all the thing is you MUST have a website, that would be Blog, wordpress, domain or whatever as long as internet can access, and then write anything you like, anything just full fill your website. The next thing is promote your blog to search engine, blog directories, link exchange, or feedburner to increase your Pagerank, traffic and subscriber, but dont forget to place a little bit of ads, remember NOT Google ads, anything but not google ads, got me....
and now, this is the main point, make your blog or website running at least for 3-4 month, on my case I have run my blog for about 9 month :D [what a long journey, but look the effect]. and here is 2 screen preview if google want you to join in they program
as you can see above, there is a difference between 2 picture, when you got you blog with word that show in pic 1. now you can apply to join google, I can guarantee that you will get your pub id google adsense. No doubt. on my case [again....???? please..] I have apply on google 3 times, the 4th was successfull after I got word just like on picture 1.that's it for today from my experiance apply on google, I hope you will get your Adsense Account, leave a comment if you have any question