Joomla is a Great Idea for Blogging

Joomla is one of the most modern content management systems worldwide. Free and open source CMS is used all over the planet, a large number of different purposes.

Recently, the use of Joomla the blog has become a hot topic. Many Web designers and developers use it for their own customer sites. And now, blogging tool you need to grow. This system actually has support for blogs built in. There are designs that are available to align the category blog, with articles in the category as a blog setup. You can find the number of items displayed per page and the number of columns to display the contents of the input

There are some things less Joomla the blog in the usual installation, however. There are a number of things that are based on the blog now:

- Comments
- Track-backs
- Labelling
- The social media
- And more

For these functions, you can milk from 8000 extensions available for CMS. There are three main approaches:

- The use of a plug installed Joomla
- Use a team building content
- Procurement Blog dedicated component Joomla

Whatever method you choose - it is very clearly in a position to make a successful blog with Joomla. I am writing Joomla over two years and have tried two methods. I installed the system with a mixture of extension, K2 and EasyBlog. All of these solutions has advantages and disadvantages. But it depends on what kind of blog you are building.

A team of blogs, corporate blogs, personal blogs. They all require different approaches. You need to try several solutions and see what is for you.

If you have the ability Joomla improve its capabilities by creating a blog using it. If you have skills and create a blog using the CMS is an excellent way to learn about it, because you have to learn many different techniques.

The hardest part of it is fundamental to create content. But I can leave that part to
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