For those who using smart phone like Android, an Iphone or Blackberry. Here a few secret code you don't wanna missed.
Just found this over another website and hope this usefull for you, who using Blackberry for sure, yes. This code only for Blackberry, that why I called it Blackberry Secret Code
ALT + N M L L : checking your capacity signal bar
ALT + V A L D : verification your Address Book
ALT + R B L D : reorganize your Address Book
ALT + R B V : to see page source or source code on Webpage html
ALT + left Shift + press H : Seeing technical info on your Blackberry
* # 0 6 # : Checking your Blackberry IMEI
ALT + Right Shift + Delete : facility to checking your battery is full or not.
ALT + L G L G : seeing your Blackberry Log have done
ALT + NUM / Aa / Cap + H : Display info about PIN – IMEI – Vendor ID – Free Memory – OS Version
M E P D : Checking your Blackberry status locked or unlocked (on your SIM Card)
ALT + Cap / Aa Right + DEL : Restart your Blackberry that not responding to anything another word is HANG... get it :D
hope this code usefull and don't forget leave a comment if you have something to share about your mobile phone