How to Registered on GREX atawa

----------- original from telnet ------------------------

c:\windows> telnet
Trying ( Open

Grex central timekeeping. At the beep, the time is
2:25AM on Wednesday, 16 July 2003

New to grex? Type help at the login prompt

(ttyp2) grex login: newuser
newuser program (Version: February 29, 1996)

Welcome to Grex, a service of Cyberspace Communications,
located in
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.

Note: Grex does not allow bots of ANY kind--they will not work
here. IRC only works for paying members. Bringing over
your own copies WILL NOT WORK. Do not FTP IRC/bots to Grex.

Grex is a Sun-4/670 MP, running SunOS 4.1.4. It has 256M of RAM and
8GB of hard disk space. We have 11 public dial-in phone lines
and a dedicated 128K ISDN connection to the Internet. Grex is run
by an all-volunteer staff. There is no software upload/download area.

You may be wondering what kind of system Grex is. To help explain
that, here is the Grex Declaration of Principles:

Press ?

Declaration of Principles

This system is intended to foster community education and the
spiritual and intellectual enrichment of its users through
the peaceable interchange of ideas.
The members of this system hope to attract a large, diverse, and
mature group of thinking individuals and thereby to contribute
to a better-informed citizenry.
Governance of the system is based on cooperative principles,
including open membership, democratic control, and non-
profit economics.
This is an open-access system; the public is welcome. However,
regular users are encouraged to become members and help
support the system financially. Voting on system policy
matters is restricted to members.

It should go without saying that the system is specifically NOT

intended for any illegal purpose.

Users are asked to be considerate of others, and are especially

asked to make a point of setting a good example for those

few who may from time to time fail to return the favor.

Press ?

Limitations of Grex

(or, The Tragedy of the Electronic Commons)

Because of the popularity of Grex, we're *swamped* with all the

traffic going over our Internet link. This link is only 128K--over

which people telnet in, mail flows, FTP, Lynx, and all the other

Internet applications share (or rather, fight over). We're sorry

to have to talk about restrictions, but we need your help!

Grex is primarily a computer conferencing system. Note that

WE ARE NOT AN INTERNET PROVIDER. This means that we aren't a good

place to store files, do FTPs from, etc. Please do try out the

conferences; we have many topics ranging from the silly to the


You will not be able to use most Internet services (telnet, FTP,

etc.) once you've made an account here. You must first become a

member in order to have access to these programs. Bringing over your

own copy of telnet/ftp/whatever, will not work.

We need your help to keep Grex's Internet connection working at

anything close to a reasonable speed. There are three main areas

of concern--we'd really appreciate it if:

Press ?

- You do not subscribe to large mailing lists and then forget about them!

If you decide to leave Grex, *please* unsubscribe yourself from the lists

you are on. Mail is the single most resource intensive application on Grex.

Your help in curbing "mail bloat" is sincerely appreciated! If you create

a ".forward" file here, do remember that all the mail you get on Grex will

*twice* slow Grex down for everybody who uses Grex (once coming in and once

going back out of Grex).

- Do not create mailing lists.

- Do not send or receive more than 100 K of mail in a day. Less is better!

- You do not store, mail or FTP GIF, JPG or other data files here. Because

of our slow Internet link, each transfer slows everything else down just

a little more. Graphics can't be on your web pages here anyway.

- For programmers: Please don't bring over large software packages without

talking to staff first. Anything net related won't run once you've compiled

it anyway. We can't run MUDs, talkers, IRC bots, or other such things here,

because we just don't have the CPU or net bandwidth for them.

- Please keep file transfers and e-mail to less than 100K per day.



- Please read the Grex list of Frequently Asked Questions. You can see it

on the web at , or on Grex you can type

"faq" to see it.

Thanks, from all the staff at Grex!

Press ?

What's happening here?

Hi. I'm a program running on this system. My name is "newuser", and I

am here to help you, the new user, create an account on this system.

After we finish, you will have a public login-id and a private (secret)

password that will uniquely identify yourself to the system. In future

sessions, you'll be able to use that login-id directly rather than me.

I'm going to teach you a very small amount about how to use this system

more effectively. Then I'm going to move on and ask you a couple of

questions. I'll give you a chance to correct your answers, and then I

will craft an account for you (based on your answers). After that, I'm

done, and I'll let you on the system with your new account.

Press ?

The first thing I'm going to teach you about is the special key control-D.

Almost anywhere on the system where you are expected to type a variable

number of lines, you'll end your input by typing control-D after the last

line. Since it's a special key, you don't press or anything

after it. You'll be able to use control-D in just a bit, every time I

give you a chance to answer a question with more than one line.

Press ?

Customizing keys:

Many people like to choose their own keys for the next three functions.

I'm going to tell you some popular choices, and give you a "suggested"

default, but if you can't find them on your keyboard, feel free to pick

any of the popular choices. You shouldn't use letters, numbers, or

punctuation for any of these keys, since that can cause problems

elsewhere on the system.

Also, many computers have cursor keys, function keys, and similar keys

that won't work here, since they actually send more than one character

when you press them.

Press ?

The erase character allows you to remove the last character you typed.

You'll probably want to set it to whatever your "Backspace" or "<--"

key sends; if so, press that key now. Otherwise, press whatever key

you want to use to remove the last character you typed.

If you're not sure what to type here, PRESS YOUR BACKSPACE KEY.

Your current choice for the erase character is '^H'.

Please type that character, or another choice, or '?' for help: ^H

Your erase character is now set to '^H'

The kill character is used to remove the entire line of input you just

typed; sort of like the erase character, but for the whole line. To

set it to control-U, press that key now (hold down "Control" and press

"U", then release both keys). Otherwise, press whatever key you want

to use to remove the entire line of input.

If you aren't sure what to choose, press control-U.

Your current choice for the kill character is '^U'.

Please type that character, or another choice, or '?' for help: ^U

Your kill character is now set to '^U'

The interrupt character allows you to interrupt the current operation

and return to a command prompt. To set it to control-C, press that

key now. Otherwise, press whatever ket you want to use to interrupt

the current operation.

If you aren't sure what to choose, press control-C.

Your current choice for the interrupt character is '^C'.

Please type that character, or another choice, or '?' for help: ^C

Your interrupt character is now set to '^C'

Terminal identification:

There are some programs that need to know how to move the cursor around on

your screen and do various other related things. The software you're

running is probably capable of doing this in several different ways

depending on how you set it up. Since there's no one standard, you need to

tell the system which standard your computer or terminal is using.

If you're using some sort of personal computer (not necessarily an MS-DOS

PC, though), you are probably emulating an ANSI or VT100 terminal; in that

case the "vt100" terminal type is what you want.

Note that the name of your computer won't work, and neither will the name

of the software you're running, because neither one is specific enough.

There are hundreds of different communications software packages out there,

and each one usually gives you a choice of at least five or six different

terminal types. If you have a choice and know how to set it up, you probably

want to choose "VT100" and use the "vt100" or "ansi" terminal types.

Press ?

If you'd like Grex to try to figure out your terminal type for you,

enter "?". Grex will test your terminal type and display the result

on your screen.

If you'd like a list of all 350+ terminals in the termcap database,

enter "??". Feel free to use the interrupt key ('^C') to stop the

list midway though if you see something you like.

Finally, if you're confused by all this, just type vt100

You can change this later once you learn more.

What kind of terminal do you usually use? vt100

Terminal type is vt100

Okay, that completes the "funny key" business. Now it's time for the

question and answer part. The only answer that I need to create your

account is your name; all the other answers are optional. Of course,

all of your answers (especially some of the optional ones) will help us

find out what kind of people are using the system, so we can tailor it

more to your liking. You don't have to make any of this information

public -- I'll ask you whether or not you want your answers to be

available to the other users.

If you ever lose the password to your Grex account and need to have it

reset, the Grex staff will send your new password to the alternate e-mail

address you will be asked to enter a few questions after this one, or to

the postal mail address you enter soon after that. So it is useful to

enter this information. It will be stored in a file called ".plan" in

your Grex account. When the information changes, it's helpful if you

update your .plan file.

Just a reminder, please try to use both upper- and lower-case for text

input; it's much more readable!

Enter your FULL name? belajar

If you so desire, the following information will only be made available

to the system staff. Otherwise, it will be placed in a special file

called a .plan that other users can view when they type a certain command.

I'll ask you to make that decision after I get your answers. Don't

worry about misspellings and such; you'll have a chance to fix any

mistakes you've made after you're done entering the information.

Enter your address?

Terminate your entry with '^D' or "." on a separate line.



Enter your telephone number: (area)excg-number? 123456789

What other e-mail addresses can you be reached at (if any)?

Terminate your entry with '^D' or "." on a separate line.



What is your occupation?

Terminate your entry with '^D' or "." on a separate line.

>IT staff


What kinds of computer equipment do you use?

Terminate your entry with '^D' or "." on a separate line.



The next two pieces of information are your birthdate and sex. Feel free

to enter them or not as your feelings dictate.

When were you born? Jakarta

What sex are you? Male

What other interests do you have?

Terminate your entry with '^D' or "." on a separate line.



How'd you find out about us?

Terminate your entry with '^D' or "." on a separate line.



Do you want this information to be hidden from other users? y

You may now pick your command interpreter, or shell. This is the

program that interprets your requests to the system and allows you

to actually do things.

The following shells are available:

bbs - the PicoSpan conferencing system

csh - the C shell

tcsh - an enhanced C shell

sh - the Bourne shell

bash - the GNU version of the Bourne shell

lynx - a fancy menu system. You can select this if you know

what terminal type you are using.

menu - a simple menu system

Unless you're an experienced Unix user, you'll probably want the "bbs",

"menu" or "lynx" shell; it will allow you to start using the system quickly

without mucking around with Unix books and such. If you're not sure

which one to choose, just hit to pick the default ("bbs") shell;

you can always change your mind later.

Which shell? sh

When you want to change some text you've entered while you're typing

it in, the program you use is called an editor. (Editors are similar

to word processors, which you might be familiar with.) Here on Grex

we have several different editing systems you can choose from:

pico This is a simple screen-based editor designed for

new users. If you know what kind of terminal you're

using, you can pick this.

bbs This is the traditional PicoSpan editor. If you

didn't know your terminal type, you should pick this.

joe This is another simple screen-based editor. It's

fairly new on Grex right now.

emacs This is the GNU Emacs editor. If you've never heard

of Emacs or never used it, don't pick this.

vi This is the traditional Unix "vi" editor. If you've

never heard of "vi" or never used it, don't pick this.

If you're not sure which editor to pick, just hit and you

will get the default of "pico".

Which editor? vi

Now, you need to pick a "login-id". This is a short (3-8 characters)

word; it can have lowercase letters and digits in it. Your login-id is

your public identifier on the system; it's what you will type at the

"login:" prompt to identify yourself to the system, as well as what

others will type when they want to send electronic mail to you. It will

also be used in numerous other situations to uniquely identify you.

Because you'll be using it so much, you should pick something that's

relatively easy to type and remember. Many people use their first name,

their initials, their first initial plus their last name, or something

along those lines. This is the name you will be known by, NOT your

password (that comes later)! A few examples:

denise Denise M. Anderson

bubbles Tom Digby

Selecting loginid for belajar

What loginid would you like? belajar

The system will now ask you to pick a secret password.


* Write down your password and login-id somewhere safe. If you forget your

password, you won't be able to use your account anymore. A good place to

write them is on a scrap of paper you keep in your wallet or purse.

* Pick a secure password. Your password should not appear in any list of

words (this includes dictionaries, both English and foreign-language, as

well as lists of names, cities, etc.). Your password also should not be

a word that someone could discover by knowing other things about you --

for that reason, your spouse's name, your pet's name, and your license-plate

number are all bad passwords. The best passwords are made-up words, with

both upper- and lower- case, as well as punctuation and digits.

* Don't share your password with anyone -- not even your closest friends or

family members. If they want to use Grex, encourage them to get their

own account!

* Treat your password like you would a bankcard PIN. Armed with your password

and login-id, someone else can enter responses and send e-mail in your name.

If you think your password might have been compromised, change it immediately

and tell the system staff.

For security reasons, the system will never print your password as you type it.

New password?

Cm'on, you can do better than that!

New password? Reenter just to be sure?

full name: belajar

loginid: belajar password:



telephone: 123456789

other e-mail addresses:


IT staff



birthdate: sex: Male



how (did you find out about us):


Privacy switch on

shell: sh editor: vi terminal: vt100

erase '^H' kill '^U' interrupt '^C'

Type "help" for a list of things you can change.

Select thing to change or "done"? done

Please wait, checking for duplicates /etc/passwd: 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 1

08 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85

84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58

57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 3

1 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2

1 0

Installing your new ID.

logging in belajar now...

belajar's Password:*****

Incorrect password


login: belajar

belajar's Password: *****

Thanks to the Ann Arbor Observer for the long-running Grex ad on

Support Grex and get stuff! T-shirts, frisbees, hats, mugs, mousepads!

Surf over to today! -vm

--- 6/16 Still some items open in the Grex auction. "j auction" in Picospan,

--- or type "auction" into the conference-name box in Backtalk. Click on

--- to browse. -mac

Annual Grex Birthday Picnic - Sunday, July 20 2:30PM at Island Park.

(Bring goodies!) -llanarth

Happy Birthday Dan (danr) Romanchik!

1 failure since last login. Last failed 02:31:17 from

No mail.

TERM = (vt100)

Erase is Ctrl-H

Type 'bbs' to see what Grex is all about!

Type 'change' to change your settings.

Type 'faq' to see answers to frequently asked questions.

$ mkdir belajar

$ mkdir temp

$ ls -l

total 2

drwxr-xr-x 2 belajar cohorts 512 Jul 16 02:31 belajar

drwxr-xr-x 2 belajar cohorts 512 Jul 16 02:32 temp

$ exit
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