PS Vita 1.8 Million Units Sold

Playstation Vita sold about 1.8 million units worldwide since its launch in December 2011. Sony Computer Entertainment companies claim to be happy with the results obtained so far.

"As an initial phase, I think this is a good start," said Kaz Hirai Sony president in a presentation as preached, not long ago.

PS Vita strength software is recognized as a major selling point Hirai and the key to success in the video game business. He plans to strengthen these areas and projected to sell about 10 million additional units of PS Vita in 2012.

Sony also announced a homemade console sales figures. One of the tech giant describes Playstation 3 sold 13.9 million units in 2011, down 0.4 from the previous year. Playstation 2 sold only able to touch the figure of 4.1 million the previous achievements in the year 2010 as many as 6.4 million units. While the Playstation Portable or PSP sold 6.8 million units in 2011 and 8 million in 2010
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