Messenger Bomb on Yahoo

Yahoo Messenger Spam
Hacking Yahoo Messenger

Spam Yahoo Messenger
email bomber

Email Bomb
Yahoo messenger

I do't know if this post will be usefull though. I got this from other site/forum with bahasa indonesia (Download HERE for indonesia Version) (sorry if you don;t get the meaning what I want to say here, just use google translate above), be wise don't use to people who don't really know or just making some funnies around, couse it NOT..!!.
Yahoo Messenger Boot
On this post I will show you how making other PC got crash or stop responding using simple Messenger. and yes it's Yahoo Messenger. there is a simple step and expert step but first let begin with simple step.

SiMPLE STEP, follow this just like I said.

1. Click Victim Messenger
2. On the text area, just press SHiFT+CTRL+R
3. Press as long as you can
4. Victim will get Instant message that make overload screen and make computer to stop responding
5. As victim, you can block the attact by pressing SHiFT+CTRL+D.

on expert way, Download and install software Black Cyber newest version also you need a few another messenger account to run as exactly the step above If you too lazy to create the account, I just create it for you. Download it HERE

additional message when you using expert way is, if you use 6 account to bomb the victim make sure each YM account get answer by victim, after that just leave it, and start step by step again on SiMPLE way on step No.#2. so the explaination proses is you use each Yahoo Messenger to bomb victim, after you done with YM account #1, start with account no.#2 until account #6. SHiFT+CTRL+D doesn't work on this metod.


PS: leave message if goes something wrong
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