Making Good Password
Just found this article around the internet, hope you can take for advantage of it, well here what you should know
1. Make a password with 8 characters or more. The longer you make more harder to crack, but dont forget it !
2. And don't write it in a sheet of paper. Maybe you want to use your own code, but you may forget the way you should read it ?
3. Make a password with combination of all alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers). With case-sensitive password is recommended. If allowed and you're too extreme, use symbol. and some people too extreme using alt+xxx ... LOL :D
4.Don't use typical wordsyou might find in your dictionary or dictionary-attack word index file. The word like, "Administrator", "default", etc
5. don't use these lazy combination : "zxcvbnm", "zxcvbn", "asdfgf","qwerty","abcde123456, etc; you know what I mean. If you're too extreme use a password generator
6. Don't use the same password for each of your account (gosh,.. I'm not to doing this either :D he heee..)
7. don't tell anybody your passwords (tha's abvious, you know, unless your parents highly insist it, because I'm not teaching people to disobey their parent) !
8. Don't use person, a company, or a pet typical names for your password or recovery question
9. If you think you don't need recovery question anyway, just input bullshits around
10. Well you may use a unsual word in english, but as I say in point 3, don't just " pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovulcanocaniosis"
trust me, in out there, hacking happen, I've try by my self and guess what, it's work for me
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