Create Fake HotSpot

Another way to hack someone else account is to create fake wireless/access point on your Laptop, so when data transfer distribute between client to AP [access point] that would be in our Laptop :D, so here step by step to create fake access point on your notebook,

first from all:
1. you need download this app.[link] to your Laptop, it's call WiPeer [for windows you can download here WiPeer 0.73 [], also dotnetfx.exe or Microsoft.NET Framework Version 2.0

2. Next step you should install WiPeer software wait until complete and run it, from the first time you run, it ask to supply login id, enter whatever you want it and then click OK

-After that, on main form choose menu file>connect option [the preview should be like this]

- next thing you do is choose create new Wireless P2P Network and then click specify Parameters [here the picture]

- setting as your like on SSID, IP and security [in this case the SSID is "Harry HotSpot", IP automatic/DHCP, and security password "12345"] and click OK then connect.

3. The next thing we should do is go to Menu File>Connect Option and choose an Existing Wireless network, that we already created[Harry HotSpot] and then click connect. In this point, WiPeer application has create Hotspot connection with status "CONNECTED"

4. To make sure the connection has available, you should check on other notebook/laptop wireless adapter by clicking on icon wireless and choose view available Wireless Network, you should see this picture

After this point, you should already create fake Hotspot, to see data transfer between you and other user when they supply password like email account, Bank security number or etc you need other software or application [IF ANY ONE KNOWS THE APP. OR SOFTWARE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW.... :p]

Ok, we move on-----> we continue if you really want create connection hotspot between your friend to use internet connection throught your Notebook or Laptop

5. Setting Internet Sharing, how to;
- Go to Control Panel > Network Connection [here the screen preview]

- Choose network connection [on your laptop] with what connection you connect to, is ISP or using Mobile Phone just appropriate it, OK... :D [in this case I connect to internet via Modem Wireless 3G which is "Wireless Network Connection 2"] and right click choose Properties,
- Choose Advanced Tab, give check option on " Allow other network user to connect through this computer’s internet connection". and then choose Home Networking Connection that allowed [in this case, the network that become our hotspot is" Wireless Network Connection"] then click OK. Your Laptop will be automatically set to gateway

6.That's all, your done. To connect to Wireless hotspot, just right click on icon in the right bottom of your laptop and click connect, if pront password apprear just supply password that you already set in the first or this tutorial. If it work the appeareace should be like this

source: http://febryanharipurwanto/2009/01/20/membangun-hotspot-pake-wirelessnya-laptop/ [indonesia Languange] has been translate by me [link] without ignore the main idea. Leave a comment if you have found a software to see package data between other computer or Money Maybe that you can DONATE :D LOL.....
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