I never wondering become top of google in seach engine ranking on google blog searching of course, see picture above. To become top of google you should update your blog regularly, read this[]or if you consider about not to loss a user or visitor to your blog maybe you can read this also[]. Beside of 2 thing that I mention before, a lot readers like to bookmark what they read or come later to read more on your blog if your blog is interest to them, to do so you can add a bookmark for each post just like I do, here the tutorial[] or you can bookmark via manual to this top 10 most popular social bookmarking[].... Enjoy
Top of Google
I never wondering become top of google in seach engine ranking on google blog searching of course, see picture above. To become top of google you should update your blog regularly, read this[]or if you consider about not to loss a user or visitor to your blog maybe you can read this also[]. Beside of 2 thing that I mention before, a lot readers like to bookmark what they read or come later to read more on your blog if your blog is interest to them, to do so you can add a bookmark for each post just like I do, here the tutorial[] or you can bookmark via manual to this top 10 most popular social bookmarking[].... Enjoy
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